Wednesday, May 16, 2007

10 facts about Korean War

10 Facts about the Korean War that every American should know:
  • Northern Half was communist, southern half was democratic, and north attacked
  • Soviet Union ordered, aided, and controlled North Korea
  • The UN's troops defended South Korea under MacArthur
  • Chinese thought U.S would come after them next, and helped North Korea
  • Truman took MacArthur's command because the General wanted to use atomic bombs.
  • A truce was declared in 1953
  • North Korea remained communist and hostile
  • US troops stayed in Korea after war ended
  • War didn't really end until 2 years after truce
  • Korea divided up after WWII at 38th parallel

1 comment:


It's a good list, Tom, but some of the facts deserve a little more detail - check the examples on my blog!