Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jack Smith by Ron Steinman
9 pages - complete by Wednesday May 23

What challenges does Jack Smith face as a soldier in Vietnam? (a bulleted list is fine)
-his friends died
-there were bad conditions
-doesn't know the meaning of the war

How does Smith’s attitude toward war change?
At the beginning, he thought war was like a game, and didn't really realize what could happen to him if he fought. He was eager, but at the end he became more experienced and not as ignorant about war.

I Feel Like I’m Fixing To Die Rag by Joe McDonald
2 pages - complete by Wednesday May 23

This song by Country Joe and the Fish became one of the first protest songs of the Vietnam Era. Read the lyrics to the song, and then respond to the following:

What is the song asking the “big strong men to do”?
It's asking them to fight.
… the “generals” to do?
Stop the domino effect
… “Wall Street” to do?
Contribute to war effort
… “mothers” to do?
push their sons to join the militaryy
Write down four specific lines from the song that display sarcasm, cynicism, or anti-war sentiment.

We're gonna have a whole lot of fun
WHoopee! we're all gonna die!
To have your boy come home in a box.
the only good commy is the one who's dead

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