Monday, May 21, 2007

Times of Change for tuesday

A Dubious Crusade by James A. Warren
2 pages - complete by Tuesday May 22
Look up both words in the title of the short essay. What do they mean?Dubious: A doubtful or hesitant fight.Crusade: An agressive advancement for an idea, or cause.Relate the title to the reading. What is Warren saying? How do you think this will relate to the rest of our study if Vietnam?The title basically considers the Vietnam war to be America's hesitant fight for democracy. Warren is saying that Vietnam was the most contrversial even in American history. We will learn that there are two sides to the conflict.
History by Thuong Vuong-Riddick
2 pages - complete by Tuesday May 22
What is the overall theme of Vuong-Riddick's poem?His theme is that there is so much unneccessary conflict. The overall theme is war.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution … by Goldberg
2 pages - complete by Tuesday May 22
What is the main thesis of the essay?That some people opposed the resolution at the start.What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?A US naval ship was attacked without provocation, and Johnson asked Congress if he could send troops to the area.What evidence does the author give to support his thesis?People like Fulbright speaking out against Johnson.How does this link to the theme of the first reading, “A Dubious Crusade”?They both show how there can be opposition to America's choices

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